Who Authorized
The Assassination
Of John Lennon?
R. Elsis, Lovearth.net,
December 8, 2002
and Hardy, that's John
and Yoko.
And we stand a better chance under that guise
Because all the serious people like
Luther King and Kennedy
and Gandhi
got shot."
December 8th, 1980 was the warmest December 8th
in the history of New York City. The temperature
reached a balmy record of 64 degrees Fahrenheit
that fateful day. At around 5 p.m., John
and Yoko left their apartments in the historic
Dakota on Central Park West and 72nd Street. They
were to go to the Record Plant recording studio
to supervise the transfer of some of the "Double
Fantasy" album numbers to singles.
they were leaving the Dakota to enter their limousine,
they were approached by several people who were
seeking autographs. Among them was a man who would
be later identified as the assassin. John was
asked by the assassin, to sign his copy of the
album Double Fantasy, John did. There is a famous
photograph of John signing Double Fantasy for
the assassin.
least three witnesses, Jose Perdomo, the outside
doorman for the Dakota, an elevator operator and
a cab driver who had just dropped off a passenger,
saw the assassin standing in the shadows, just
inside the archway of the Dakota. You can add
my name, Mark Elsis, to this list also. I saw
the assassin lurking in the darkness while I was
driving my taxi in Manhattan that evening.
was traveling without passengers, going north
on Central Park West and made a slow left turn
on to 72nd Street. As soon I made the left turn,
I sensed something was wrong. I quickly slowed
down to a crawl in front of the Dakota. I looked
right at this guy lurking in the darkness, and
I felt he was bad energy. I very nearly stopped.
It was almost 10:00. I'm so sorry, forgive me
John. I should have stopped. I knew there was
something terribly wrong with this guy, the assassin.
I was ever so close to stopping, I went back and
forth, should I stop or not a couple times in
the few seconds in front of the Dakota.
and Yoko left the Record Plant at 10:40. They
were on their way back home from their recording
/ mixing session for Yoko's song Walking On Thin
Ice. At 10:49 their limousine pulled up in front
of their apartments at the Dakota, they were home.
It stopped at the curb. It was an absolutely beautiful
evening in Manhattan, so there was no need to
be driven into the courtyard, to be let off next
to the safety of the lobby entrance.
Perdomo, the front doorman, leaves his post to
open the limousine door for John and Yoko. Yoko
Ono stepped out of the limousine first
and John
Lennon who is carrying a tape recorder
and some cassettes followed a few steps behind.
As Yoko passes him the assassin, says "Hello".
Just as John passes him, the man steps from the
sidewalk and from his pocket he takes out a 5
shot .38 revolver armed with hollow tip bullets.
He drops into a combat stance, knees flexed, with
one arm supporting the other at the wrist. He
says, Mr. Lennon?
as John turns, about 15 feet through the large
arch with iron gates of the Dakota, the assassin
fires two shots into the left side of his back.
There's a crash of shattering glass as the bullets
that pass through John's body smash into the Dakota's
glass frontage. These two shots spin him around.
He is now facing his assassin.
is already pouring out from the first two bullets
and the four wounds, as the assassin takes aim
at John again. He fires three more shots. Two
of the bullets smash into John's left shoulder.
The other goes astray. The greatest singer songwriter
and the most influential political artist of our
time staggers up six steps to the room at the
end of the entrance used by the concierge, said,
"I'm shot," then fell down.
shot he moans lying on the floor. John's been
shot, screams Yoko. Jay Hastings the security
man reaches under his desk and presses the alarm
button, notifying the police from the nearby 20th
Precinct. He then rushes to John's side and removes
his blood stained glasses. Then he takes off his
uniform jacket to cover him. He wants to use his
tie as a tourniquet, but can't decide where to
apply it. John is dying, blood pours from his
chest and mouth, his eyes are open but unfocused,
and he is gurgling and vomiting blood.
first policemen at the scene were Officers Steve
Spire and Peter Cullen, who were in their patrol
car at 72nd Street and Broadway when they heard
a report of shots fired at the Dakota. The officers
found the assassin standing "very calmly"
where he had been. The
police said the assassin had dropped the revolver
after firing it, and said he had a paperback book,
J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye."
second police team at the Dakota, Officers Bill
Gamble and James Moran, realizing John Lennon
was critically injured, didn't wait for an ambulance,
and took John Lennon to Roosevelt Hospital in
their patrol car. Officer Moran said they stretched
Lennon out on the back seat and that the singer
was "moaning." Officer Moran asks, "Are
you John Lennon?" and that Lennon had moaned,
"Yeah." The patrol car makes a left
through the red light on to Columbus Avenue and
speeds down the 13 blocks to 59th Street, where
it swings into the entrance of Roosevelt Hospital.
hospital's emergency trauma team has already been
alerted. John is brought into the emergency room
with virtually no pulse. The two bullets that
hit him on the left side of the back had both
pierced a lung and passed through his chest. A
third bullet had shattered his left shoulder bone,
and a fourth had hit the same shoulder and ricocheted
inside his chest, where it severed his aorta and
an unsuccessful attempt at cardiac massage, a
medical team of seven people led by Dr. Stephen
Lyman labored to save John using every device
and technique available. Nothing work. John Lennon
the greatest singer songwriter and the most influential
political artist of our time was pronounced dead
at 11:15 p.m. on December 8, 1980. The official
cause of death is shock produced by massive hemorrhaging.
Dr. Elliott M. Gross, the Chief Medical Examiner,
said after the autopsy that Lennon had died of
shock and loss of blood and that no one could
have lived more than a few minutes with such injuries.
Ono, crying "Tell me it's not true,"
was taken to Roosevelt Hospital and led away in
shock after she learned her husband was dead.
David Geffen later issued a statement in her behalf:
"John loved and prayed for the human race.
Please do the same for him."
minutes of the first broadcasts of the news of
the shooting, people began to gather in front
of the Dakota, reciting prayers, singing Lennon's
songs and burning candles. I first got to the
Dakota at 11:45. I was there longer than anyone
on Earth that evening - 9 hours, from 11:45 p.m.
till 8:45 a.m. the next morning. (Read
John Lennon Day Petition)
December 14, all around the world, people paused
to stand alone or come together in silence, heeding
a plea from Yoko Ono that they take 10 minutes
to remember John.
CIA -- FBI -- Deranged Lone Nut Fan -- Manchurian
MKULTRA Candidate
assassin was a brainwashed hit man carrying out
someone else's contract, writes Bresler, "he
is in many ways as much the victim of those who
wanted to kill John Lennon, as Lennon himself."
Manchurian MKULTRA candidate assassin dropped
the gun and proceeded to take out a copy of J.
D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, and calmly started
reading. The Dakota doorman, Jose Perdomo, shouted
at the assassin, "Do you know what you've
done?" "I just shot John Lennon,"
he replied, accurately enough.
walked past me and then I heard in my head, 'Do
it, do it, do it,' over and over again, saying
'Do it, do it, do it,' like that," recalled
in a BBC documentary several years after going
to prison. "I don't remember aiming. I must
have done, but I don't remember drawing a bead
or whatever you call it. And I just pulled the
trigger steady five times." The assassin
described his feeling at the time of the shooting
as "no emotion, no anger dead silence in
the brain."
unnatural tone sounded all-too-familiar for British
lawyer and journalist Fenton Bresler, who wrote
the book, Who Killed John Lennon? The assassin
was a brainwashed hit man carrying out someone
else's contract, writes Bresler, "he is in
many ways as much the victim of those who wanted
to kill John Lennon, as Lennon himself."
were at a loss for motive, so they opted for the
cliché, the assassin did it for the attention.
The troublesome American preoccupation with grabbing
that elusive fifteen minutes propels many a daily-newspaper-journalist-cum-pop-sociologist
into raptures of sanctimony. But Arthur O'Connor,
the Detective who spent more time with the assassin
immediately following the murder than anyone else,
saw it another way.
is definitely illogical to say that [the assassin]
committed the murder to make himself famous. He
did not want to talk to the press from the very
start. It's possible somebody could have used
him. I saw him the night of the murder. I studied
him intensely. He looked as if he could have been
O'Connor was speaking to Bresler, and publicly
for the first time. Bresler's book, Who Killed
John Lennon? -- Offers the most cogent argument
that the assassination of John Lennon was not
the work of yet another "lone nut."
nearly three hundred pages, John Lennon's Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) file reveals that
he was under "constant surveillance."
His apartment was watched, he was followed, and
his phone was tapped. The FBI did not keep a particularly
low profile around the ex-Beatle, apparently attempting
to harass him into silence or at least drive him
nuts, similar to the tactic they had used on Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., just a few
short, but eventful years earlier.
late 1972, when the "surveillance" was
at its peak, John Lennon told humorist Paul Krassner,
"Listen, if anything happens to Yoko and
me, it was not an accident."
FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
tracked John at from at least his "Free John
Sinclair" concert in 1969 until 1976, even
though by then John had won his immigration battle
and dropped out of not only political activism
but public life altogether. This turned out to
be a five-year period of seclusion to raise his
newly born son, Sean. Sean
Lennon was born on October 9, 1975, his dad's
35th birthday.
a person under "constant surveillance"
and ordering that person executed are admittedly
two very different things. Nevertheless, Bresler's
point is that the government did not consider
John Lennon a harmless rock 'n' roller. John's
political publicity stunts such as in his and
Yoko's Montreal "Bed-In" and "War
Is Over" were always capable of seizing the
spotlight and speaking directly to tens of millions
of young people who venerated him. With unfettered
access to the world's media, his power truly was
immense. Because of this, in some circles he was
correctly viewed as the most dangerous radical
who needed to be stopped. John Lennon was the
most dangerous person in the world, to those whose
interest is a world under corporate military rule.
Lennon was assassinated only four years after
the intense FBI and CIA surveillance ceased. In
those intermittent years, James
Earl Carter was President, a Democrat
who kept the two agencies more or less in check.
Matter of fact, about 1000 CIA was let go under
James Earl Carter's Presidency.
on November 4, 1980, when John Lennon's first
album (Double Fantasy) in half a decade was climbing
high on the charts, James
Earl Carter became a lame duck President.
I discovered a very interesting fact about the
last three major assassinations in the United
States. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Robert
Francis Kennedy and John
Winston Lennon were all executed during
the time of a lame duck Presidency.
Lyndon Baines Johnson became a lame duck on March
31, 1968 when he said to a national television
audience; he would not run for reelection even
if the Democrats wanted him to. Four days later
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Sixty-three
days later, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy was
assassinated after winning the California Democratic
primary (RFK would have been the Democratic Presidential
candidate against the Republican Presidential
candidate Richard Milhouse Nixon, and RFK would
have won the Presidency). On November 4, 1980
President James Earl Carter lost the Presidential
election to Ronald Wilson Reagan, thus becoming
a lame duck President. Thirty-four days later,
the heartbeat of music for his generation, John
Winston Lennon was assassinated.
every single major assassination these black-op
conspirator killers have actually had the balls
to blame it on some poor deranged lone gunman.
They have had a patsy or a mind controlled Manchurian
candidate fall guy for the last four assassinations.
President John
Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, and
the founder and leader of the most influential
musical group The Beatles, the person who was
his generations and about to be another generations
leader for peace and love, John Winston Lennon.
campaign was managed by career secret agent William
Casey, who under President Reagan became the CIA's
most freewheeling chief since Allen Dulles (who
JFK fired). The new far-right administration would
reassemble the intelligence services and grant
them a cheerful carte blanche. Something quite
interesting about William Casey, who just happening
to die very quickly from a supposed brain tumor
on May 6, 1987. He died without ever testifying
in the scandal, which most certainly originated
with him, the Iran Contra Affair.
forces that tried desperately to neutralize John
Lennon for at least seven years lost power in
November of 1976. The Lennon's government dossier
ends in that year. In 1980, as those forces were
preparing to retake control of the government,
"the most dangerous extremist" John
Lennon emerged from retirement with the best selling
album, Double Fantasy, and was promptly assassinated.
paper trail that helps support this is the airline
ticket found in the assassin's hotel room, a Hawaii
to New York connection departing December 5, 1980.
But the assassin had actually purchased a Hawaii
to Chicago ticket to depart December 2, 1980 with
no connecting flight. The ticket found after his
arrest had apparently been altered. None of his
friends knew that he traveled on to New York.
They thought he went to Chicago for a three-day
stay. Where was the assassin from December 2 through
5, 1980?
concludes that the Lennon assassination, which,
as the assassin himself noted in a rare interview,
"ended an era," bears similarities to
another assassination that took place twelve years
earlier: the murder of Robert Francis Kennedy.
Francis Kennedy's apparent lone assassin, Sirhan
Sirhan, and John Lennon's assassin just happened
to have shared the same defense psychiatrist.
But while Dr. Bernard Diamond couldn't skirt the
obvious fact that Sirhan was under hypnosis (Diamond
wrote it off as self-hypnosis), he labeled John
Lennon's assassin a "paranoid schizophrenic."
court disagreed. The assassin, even now, has never
had more than routine psychiatric care since entering
his guilty plea. He was not sent to a mental hospital,
but to Attica State Prison. He was judged legally
clears up a few widely disseminated misconceptions
about John Lennon's assassin. While any mention
of his name is now accompanied by the phrase "deranged
fan," John's assassin was anything but. He
was no more or less an ardent Beatles / Lennon
fan than anyone of his generation. His real rock
hero was Todd Rundgren, a cynical studio craftsman
who could not be further from Lennon in artistic
sensibility. Notwithstanding his announcement
months after the murder that he "killed Lennon
to gain prominence to promote the reading of The
Catcher in the Rye," he never exhibited strong
feelings about the novel until shortly before
the shooting. Catcher, Bresler muses, may have
been used as a device to trigger the assassin's
the murder, major media ran bizarre stories of
the assassin's supposed growing identification
with John Lennon - at one point he even "re-baptized"
himself as Lennon, according to Newsweek. These
stories were all quite fascinating, but there
was no evidence to back any of them up. What is
true is that when the assassin quit his last job
he signed out as "John Lennon," then
crossed the name out.
assassin of John Lennon was not a "loner."
He was for most of his life a normally social
individual and a camp counselor who had a special
rapport with kids. Bresler also notes that when
the assassin signed up for a YMCA overseas program,
he selected an odd destination: Beirut - a perfect
place, says Bresler, for the assassin, a once
gentle soul, to be "blooded," that is,
desensitized to violence.
final note to the mystery of the assassin: As
he was ready to go to trial and his diligent public
defender was winding up six months spent assembling
his defense, the accused killer suddenly decided
to change his plea to guilty. His lawyer was perplexed
and more than a little perturbed. But the assassin
was determined. He said he was acting on instructions
from a "small male voice" that spoke
to him in his cell.
interviewed Arthur O'Connor, the lieutenant who
was commanding officer of the 20th Precinct of
the New York Police that dealt with John Lennon's
murder. He quotes O'Connor as saying, "As
far as you are trying to build up some kind of
conspiracy, I would support you in that line.
Like I said originally over the phone, if the
[assassin] wanted to get away with it, he could
have got away with it. There was the subway right
on the corner and no one around to stop him."
Instead, once the assassin had accomplished his
task, he calmly sat reading Catcher In The Rye
and waited for the police to come.
one method rather than the other, the amateur
as against the professional? Because that way
you avoid any awkward questions, and everyone
seems to fall for it anyway. If a professional
killer had gunned down John Lennon, the whole
world would have known. Such swift expert assassinations
carry their own individual hallmark. It would
have been obvious what had happened, and with
Lennon's history of War Is Over, peace and love
political activity, there would have been [an
in-depth investigation]." "But if you
program an amateur to do the job, a so-called
'nut', very few questions are asked."
Hinckley, Bush, Reagan Assassination, World Vision
And The Assassin
Wilson Reagan was sworn into the Presidency on
January 20, 1981. On his sixty-ninth day in office,
March 30, 1981, Reagan was nearly killed by an
assassin. The person named as the assassin was
John Hinkley. His family ties were to oil. Through
that oil connection, Neil Bush - Vice President
George Herbert Walker Bush's son, who worked in
oil [later to steal hundreds of millions through
Silverdo in the Saving and Loan crisis] -- knew
Scott Hinkley, (brother of John) who also worked
in oil.
Hinckley, the brother of John Hinckley Jr., who
is charged with shooting President Reagan and
three others, was to have been a dinner guest
Tuesday night [March 31, 1981] at the home of
Neil Bush, son of Vice President George Bush,
The Houston Post has learned."
two families lived close to each other. They knew
each other socially and financially. When the
Hinkley oil company started to fail in the sixties,
Bush's Zapata Oil financially bailed out Hinkley's
company. It went from being Vanderbilt Oil to
Vanderbilt Energy or Vanderbilt Resources in the
60s after Bush intervened. The Hinkley's had been
running an operation with six dead wells but then
they were making several million dollars a year
after the Bush bailout. Was this some sort of
a money-pass front where they were laundering
money through on this phony oil operation but
actually operating some type of an intelligence
father in that family, John W. Hinkley Sr., was
also the president of the board for World Vision.
World Vision is a far-right evangelical missionary
operation that does missionary and "good
work" operations in countries where there
is a political purpose for it to be there. From
its inception, it was rabidly anti-Communist and
it focused on refugee populations of people running
from countries that had been taken over by Communism.
This was from the fifties on.
Vision had a hand in the movement of the Cubans
into the United States and other refugees of revolutionary
regimes. When you're a refugee you're cut loose,
basically, and pretty much fair game to be manipulated
by whoever is willing to give you a hand because
you don't have a home or any place to stay and
somebody has got to accept you.
Vision was able to recruit out of these mercenary
populations, people who could be politically turned
to their intelligence purposes. World Vision served
as a penetration force -- not as visible as the
military actually going in or the CIA going in
- but going in as missionaries and working among
the people.
link between missionary and intelligence for capitalistic
infiltration operations goes way back. It was
part of the internationalism with the Rockefellers.
It's talked about in the book, Thy Will Be Done,
about Rockefeller, Venezuela, and Latin American
Oil, the Summer Linguistic Institute, World Vision
and others. But they operated in this way for
a long time.
were paid by the CIA for a long time during the
Vietnam War and went into South East Asia -- Cambodia
and Laos. Throughout Vietnam they were given U.S.
military equipment to use. They still maintain
a budget under USAID, (Agency for International
Development), which was just a pass-over in order
to give the CIA more cover. They ran operations
through USAID. The current cover replacing that
is the NED (National Endowment for Democracy),
which is supposed to be how we're exporting democracy
around the world.
of course, we're exporting exactly the kind of
corrupt democracy we have here, which is rigged
and manipulated elections and press manipulation
in order to keep in power or put in power the
people that we want to be in those countries for
the purpose of having our investments protected
and milking what we can out of the resources and
the labor available in any of those countries.
Vision was part of that scheme and they did some
nasty things. They ran the refugee camp in Sabra-Shatilla
where the fascist Phalange was allowed in to kill
the Palestinians. They ran the Cuban and Thai
refugee camps in the United States. The assassin
-- who eventually shot John Lennon -- worked at
the Thai refugee camps out in Arkansas that World
Vision operated there. They ran these camps brutally,
forcing people into political education against
Castro, refusing to feed people, beating people
-- by many reports -- and bringing in Alpha 66
and Omega 7 people (the worst of the killing teams
-- or murder squads -- of the anti-Castro Cubans
in the United States) to run the camps in Florida,
Fort Chafey in Arkansas and other places where
the Cuban exiles were. These people came in and
there were eventually riots in the Cuban refugee
camps against their treatment there. And the eventual
assassin of John Lennon just happened to work
Who Authorized The Assassination Of John Lennon?
took me almost 22 years to figure out who most
likely authorized the assassination of John Lennon,
the greatest singer songwriter and the most influential
political artist of our time. I believe it could
have been the CIA that manipulated the assassin
of John Winston Lennon, but more likely, I believe
a new army of old school CIA, which was let go
under President Carter, manipulated the assassin.
I believe the assassin was a mind-control experiment,
like all their old tricks of MKULTRA, only much
more sophisticated. I believe their old boss authorized
it. The person the CIA building in Washington
D.C. is named after. I believe he was the same
person who tried to assassinate President Ronald
Wilson Reagan on his sixty-ninth day in office
-- March 30, 1981. He is the person with the most
to gain from both of these assassinations. So,
who authorized the assassination of John Lennon?
I believe it was the 41st President of the United
States, George
Herbert Walker Bush.
For The Reagan Assassination
And The Bush And Hinckley Families
For John Lennon, Yoko Ono
And The Beatles
if anything happens to Yoko and me,
it was not an accident."
John Lennon
John Lennon Day
An International Holiday
Celebrating Peace And Love
The heartbeat of humanity is music. Let us honor our greatest singer-songwriter and the most influential political artist of the 20th century with an International holiday celebrating his message for us of peace and love on Earth. I agree that there should be an international holiday every October 9th to celebrate the life's message of John Lennon, to be known as the John Lennon Day. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one.
me, John is still alive. I believe he's still with us,
looking over Yoko, Sean and Julian. If you are reading
this John, remember that I will never loose faith in
and say hi to George for us. Even though I'm only 13,
you're forever going to be my hero,
because of giving your life for Love and Peace.
I'm a great fan of The Beatles, and I beleive that they
the best rock & roll group in music history. Not
many people
my age understand me well. They don't understand why
I like
The Beatles and why John Lennon is forever going to
be my hero.
They don't understand why a 13 year old girl would be
The Beatles, John Lennon and George Harrison. All I've
got to say about this Message Board, is that it helped
me in a sort of way,
tell the whole world how I fell about a man, who for
no reasons, died.
Remember, War Is Over If You Want It.
Jo, a 13 year old girl from Canada
Greatest Song Ever Written

there's no heaven, it's easy if you try,
No hell below us, above us only sky,
Imagine all the people, living for today.
Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too,
Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only
I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will
be as one.
Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only
I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will
live as one.
| JohnWinstonLennon.com
Is The Answer
Mark R. Elsis | http://MarkElsis.com
| Mark@Lovearth.net
Is the Executive Director of the LOVEARTH ®
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